Terms & Conditions

1. General Terms:

1.  All prices can be reviewed at https://www.ShivayHost.in at any time.

2.  Acceptable payment method for services is provided on official website.

3. All  payment invoices are generated 7 days before payment is due. Failure to pay by the due date will result in suspended and, ultimately terminated service. Late payments are subject to a payable as a late fee.( After Terminated Cpanel account Recovery charge 500 rs to 3000 rs )

4. Subscription based payments can be canceled at any time but refund/credit back can’t be applicable after 7 days.

5. As a registered customer of ShivayHost, you agree to receive emails promoting any special offer(s), including third party offer(s). You may unsubscribe from newsletters by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any newsletter we’ve sent. For your convenience, all information provided during registration with ShivayHost is subject to ShivayHost’s Privacy Policy.

6. If product has free migration then free migration can be done with same platform like cpanel to cpanel, plesk to plesk. We don’t provide free migration on differnt panel based service example, plesk to cpanel.

7. If Any Hosting Service you buy: due to spme regions 1. server crash
2. ddos attack
3. Any datacenter Fault
4. anyother regions server not recover
then we never provide any guarantee that your data restore. we always suggest you save your data locally.

8. If You are use reseller hosting then always stand with server conditions, we just provide support of reseller owner not his clients. if you cant handle your clients its 100% your end problem company team never come your and your client deal/trams.

9. Accourding to we mention on website that we provide 24*7 support its not mean we always available 24*7 for call and chat support. we available 24*7 only for ticket raise and email support. call and social media not our primary support soluations. so we suggest always connect with us with mail support and ticket raise support if you want to fast responce. we try to provide instantly reply but sometime we take 24-72 hours to sole your query.

10. If You Have any query related server and services related then for proper soluation and responce raise ticket. without raise ticket we never take proper action on your query.

2. Termination:

Hosting which expires and doesn't renew within 14 days from its expiry date will be terminated completely . Deleted data can't be restorable in this case and either through mail or call client will be informed . ( After Terminated Cpanel account Recovery charge 500 rs to 3000 rs )
ShivayHost will not be responsible if client doesn't able to check mail or recieve call regarding renewal.

The following content is prohibited on our servers (No Refund Possible If We Found Following Content In Website)

Last Update On 28-January-2022

1): Don't Provide Free Hosting (For Reseller Users)
2): High Traffic News Website Not Allow
3): Spam/Threats Website
4): Phishing Website
5): Email Marketing
6): IRC Scripts/Bots
7): Proxy Scripts/Anonymizers
8): Pirated Software/Warez
9): Image Hosting Scripts (similar to Photobucket or Tinypic)
10): Large collection of MP3 files and/or DVD/CD ISO Image Files
11): Prime Banks Programs
12): Lottery Sites
13): Forums and/or websites that distribute warez/pirated/illegal content
14): Fraudulent Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at aa419.org & escrow-fraud.com)
15): Adult Site (Porn Sites)
16): Push button mail scripts
17): Bitcoin Mining
18): Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
19): Commercial Audio Streaming (more than one or two streams)
All shared hosting plans are for web hosting purpose. we not allow hosting of download files like mp3, wallpaper download site, movies downloading/streaming site or bot site under our hosting. All such sites will be Suspend by our server team without any prior notice

3. Backups & Recovery

1. Free Backup is complimentory service. We don't charge for it, and data backup is fully automated. We can only able to provide your data if backup available into our storage server.

2. Accounts larger than 15GB WILL NOT be included in backups.

3. ShivayHost is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for all files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on ShivayHost's servers.

4. Backup rotation time is weekly and We take max 4 retaintion of backup. (If Backup Disk Available)

5. We Suggest always Download Weekly Backup For Safe amd save data if server crush or ddos attack issue come on server. (Keep Your Backup Manually)

4. Fund/Credit Balance:

1. No Refund after fund added to ShivayHost wallet (Credit Balance).

2. Refund provided into ShivayHost wallet is non refundable.

5. Refund Policy:

We provide a 15 Days credit back guarantee (5 Day refund Policy) on all Web Hosting packages with the following conditions:

1.  Refunds are limited to one per customer (i.e. multiple services don’t qualify or multiple signups).

2. Refunds are not granted to accounts closed for TOS violations.

3. Existing product upgrade or downgrade will not be refunded, user will be responsible for the action.

4. VPS Product will not refunded, if product delivered before requesting for cancellation.

5. Refunds are not granted on Domain Registration/Renewal/Transfer.

6. If already have product and order new product then no refund policy work. only 10 days credit back guarantee.

7. No refund policy for: installation fee, VPS, dedicated servers, SSL certificates, Domain Registration/Renewal/Transfer,Addons(Dedicated IP),Hosting Renewals,Domain names and licenses or custom software installs.

8. No refund will be made if our team not found any issue in your Hosting plan from our side.

9. No refund will be made if your Service(s) is suspended (due to Email Abuse, Inappropriate, Illegal, Immoral, Malwares, Phising, Spamming Related Issues, Account Over-use) or terminated.

10. There will be no Refunds if the customer Requested for Migration of service from other servers as it will have some admin works to perform the migration task.

11. To get a Refund customer should create an cancellation request from the clientarea and open a ticket.The refund will be processed in 7 - 10 working days to your original Payment method from our end.

6. Domain Registeration

It is a responsibility of the client to verify the domain registration is successful or not, rarely under unfortunate circumstances, domain registration may not happen due to software error or network error or any other unknown technical reasons. If there is any issue in domain registration, client should get back to ShivayHost within 7 working days. The client should update the support team by writing Email to [email protected] to rectify the problem.

ShivayHost accepts no liability for the loss of any domain that has failed to register due to an invalid/insufficient information provided to us, late payments received or technical faults which are beyond our control.

1. We provide domain registration, Transfer and Renewal Service.

2. In your domain price miner gateway charges added.

3. We Charge you domain price only from registration date to expiry date after expire the domain auto add domain renewal late fee, Grace fee and Redemption fee. (Late fee added after domain expiry and other fee time added in domain pricing section where you see your domain all charges.)

4. Client Hold: if any region Your domain hold from registry side then we cant responsible. we try to unhold the domain and provide you posiable solution for client hold issue.We not responsible for Client Hold Status

5. If your domain doing any spam then we lock your domain and hold your domain.

6. If you buy domain from Shivay Host then we acess your domain in our website. its not matter that who is registrar. You can acess domain using shivayhost.

7. After expiry the domain date we cant provide transfer out option. you only trasnfer active domain after 60 days of registration date.

8. If you need EPP/Auth/TRANSFER Code then you can raise ticket for epp code. we try to provide epp code asap and unlock the domain on your request. This Option Valid Only for active domain.

9. If you Place any domain order then your domain normally active in 15-20 Minutes. some time we take 48-72 Hours in domain activation process.

10. Clients Update Nameservers from domain dashboard. you can update default and custom nameserver. after some time its auto updated. Sometime nameserver update take 48-72 Hours.

7. Backups & Recovery

1. Free Backup is complimentory service. We don't charge for it, and data backup is fully automated. We can only able to provide your data if backup available into our storage server.

2. Accounts larger than 5GB WILL NOT be included in backups.

3. ShivayHost is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for all files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on ShivayHost's servers.

4. Backup rotation time is weekly and We take max 4 retaintion of backup.

4. We Not Provide Backup if your Website terminated Due to any Server Side Compliant/Strike.

8. Disk space

Per our policies, at least 90% of your web pages (asp, html, html etc.) must be 'Linked' with files (.GIF, .JPEG, etc.) stored in our server.Web sites containing no HTML documents or having a large number of unlinked files are subject to deletion of files or account cancellation without prior notice. Downloading websites like music/media/mp4/movies/softwares etc is prohibited in Linux shared hosting and Linux Reseller hosting plans.

9. Adult Content Policy:

We do not allow adult content such as pornography or nudity. Zero Tolerance Spam Policy .

1. We take a zero tolerance stance against sending of unsolicited e-mail, bulk emailing, and spam. “Safe lists” and “double opt-in” will be treated as spam. Any user who sends out spam will have their account terminated with or without notice. No refunds will be given.

2. Mailing Policy and Limits: Sending Bulk mails are not allowed on our server,Per cPanel account can send 100 Mails. If any accounts seems to be spamming it will be suspended with or without any notice(Only for shared & reseller) .

10. Prohibited Content

Customer agrees to use the Services for lawful purposes only. ShivayHost prohibits the following content on our servers and network.

1. Anything related to IRC

2. Proxy Scripts

3. Downloading websites like music/media/mp4/movies/softwares etc is prohibited in Linux shared hosting and Linux Reseller hosting plans.

4. Anything related to torrents

5. Starting background processes on shared servers

6. Warez, hacking tools, exploits

7. Sites promoting illegal activities

8. Hacker focused sites

9. Video/Music Streaming prohibited in Linux shared hosting and Linux Reseller hosting plans.

9. IP Scanners

Valid only for .in regsitry TLDs. Customers cannot book any domain that has registered trademark name of other company/name/etc, for eg., amazonaffiliates.in, amazon-deal.in, amazn.co.in, delllaptop.in, vodafoneidea.in, facebookfollower.in, instagramfollower.in, googlesearch.in, googleindia.in, etc.
In case we find that any customer has registered a domain name which is a registered trademark name of other company/name/etc, for eg., amazonaffiliates.in, amazn.co.in, delllaptop.in, vodafoneidea.in, facebookfollower.in, instagramfollower.in, googlesearch.in, googleindia.in, etc, or any porn related domain names then we have a right to delete particular domain / suspend the account. No refund will be given.

Any account found to be in violation of another's copyright will be expeditiously removed, or access to the material disabled. Any account found to be in repeated violation of copyright laws will be suspended and/or terminated from our hosting.

Customer agrees not to use our shared, reseller, VPS or dedicated servers hosting space as a storage for backups. If we find backups stored in your account they will be removed automatically. Customer is responsible to keep their accounts up to date and secure at all times.Scripts, plugins, modules need to be kept up to date at all times. Customer is self responsible for their data and its protection. ShivayHost does not take the responsibility of site getting hacked, malware attacked, virus uploads, unauthenticated logins or data loss. Customer should maintain their own backups and download to their local systems.

11 Reactivation Fee

In case your server is suspended due to any kind of malware or phishing or prohibited content then a reactivation fee of Rs. 3000 INR ( After Terminated Cpanel account Recovery charge 500 rs to 3000 rs ) . There will be no rebate on this so do not request for rebate.

12 Affiliates Program

1. You Can Join Our Domain Affiliates Program Free.

2. We Give 20% Affiliates Commission On Only Hosting Plan. (In VPS Hosting & Dedicated Server Not Apply Any Affiliates Commission.)

3. Affiliate Bonus Deposit: ₹0.00 affiliates to receive in their account after signin up

4. Affiliate Payout Amount: ₹750.00 minimum amount affiliates have to reach before making a withdrawal

5. Affiliate Commission: 10 days to delay commission payments - then only pays if account is still active

For More Information You Always Contact Our Team Using [email protected]